
Posts Tagged ‘Marketing for Authors’

I was talking to the Angels today about my latest business- Market Your Wisdom.  My biggest mission work yet.

It has grown organically from my passion for my Divine Mission Coaching. Over the last year in particular more and more incredible lighworkers have been coming to me for sessions. As these sessions unfold the over-lighting theme is that it is now time to be on mission and that more and more people are awakening to this fact.

Of course as more awaken, there is a question I keep hearing – ‘So how do I get my message out into the world?’

Honestly this question really excites me. I have a background in marketing, training & video production. So when I get asked this question in a session I become a motor mouth. I often get a slightly confused look from my clients – they know me as ‘The Angelic Messenger’ – few realize that I have a diploma in small business management & marketing, that I am a master training, that I founded a successful training & consultancy business in Ireland, that I studied communications & media production in college, that I have worked in audio/visual & marketing for over 10 years & that I even won an award for video production. So when they ask me that simple question they often get more then they were expecting.

However I am not the only one who gets very excited by this question. The Angels also do, because they see another wonderful lightbeing getting passionate about sharing their message and being in service.

Over the years of working with messengers I have realized that we all wish to change the world. We want to make a difference, heal others, transform lives and be seen.  So to complement my Divine Mission sessions the Angels have been asking me to package everything I know about building a successful business. They have asked me to begin officially coaching messengers on business, marketing, training development & promotion.

So under their strict supervision I have developed a FREE three part Marketing Training, – ‘Market Your Wisdom Insight Series’. Designed specifically for messengers just like you.

It’s purpose is  to help you as a Messenger Align with your Mission, Harness your Wisdom and Learn how to Package it.

Register Today So You Can Begin Changing the World – CLICK HERE NOW! Or visit my NEW Website http://www.MarketYourWisdom.com

I hope you enjoy it, I feel it is powerful & informative. I look forward to connecting with you again soon.

Much Love & light

Siobhan & The Angels

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